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Up time:2022-04-13 18:24
Product description

It is suitable for industrial and civil buildings, warehouses, special buildings, roofs of large-span steel structure houses, etc. However, few people use color steel tiles for household use. Now, occasionally, some people use steel tiles to make household roof tiles in order to save money, which is cheap and easy to install.

垫江县| 崇明县| 山阳县| 理塘县| 双辽市| 广灵县| 广平县| 文登市| 新晃| 富顺县| 中方县| 茶陵县| 桃江县| 承德县| 河东区| 临武县| 丰城市| 海盐县| 大同县| 秦安县| 霸州市| 麻栗坡县| 铜鼓县| 两当县| 菏泽市| 松阳县| 桦南县| 财经| 封丘县| 黎城县| 米泉市| 凭祥市| 钦州市| 砀山县| 河南省| 溆浦县| 舞阳县| 天长市| 长垣县| 南召县| 余干县|