Steel Morning Post(20230220)
Release time:2023-02-20 11:32
Reading volume:

1. Tangshan steel billet is stable on Saturday, Tangshan Qian'an Resources is stable on Sunday, and Qinhuangdao Lulong Resources is stable on 3870, and 30% lower on 3840; All are ex-factory with tax included. Trader resources 3910.

2. Building materials in the morning: 20% increase in the stability of the week, a small amount of low price is generally stored for delivery, and 30% drop in the blank at the weekend. The mentality is cautious, and the willingness to ship is still strong. Under the continued high price of the leading steel plant, the current spot stock is mainly subject to narrow consolidation.

3. Hot rolling in the morning: the hot coil price fluctuated at a high level on the weekend, some markets fell by 10-30, and the steel billet price fell by 30 on Sunday. The lower reaches generally accepted the high price, and the coil price or high level of the material was consolidated, and the price in some regions fell slightly.

肥城市| 新巴尔虎左旗| 奎屯市| 涟水县| 大洼县| 河曲县| 门头沟区| 苏尼特右旗| 绥化市| 谷城县| 凤山市| 胶州市| 漳平市| 西乌珠穆沁旗| 电白县| 亚东县| 武义县| 民丰县| 佛学| 德州市| 武山县| 四会市| 洪江市| 西乌| 仁寿县| 望奎县| 东海县| 菏泽市| 义乌市| 黔西| 清涧县| 麻阳| 工布江达县| 大名县| 谢通门县| 汤原县| 嘉义市| 阿坝| 盐源县| 玉屏| 长海县|