Steel Morning Post(20230106)
Release time:2023-01-06 09:02
Reading volume:

1. The common square billet was stable yesterday, and the price was adjusted this morning: Tangshan Qian'an square billet resource price rose 20%, and now it is reported that 3750 square billet was delivered with tax included.

2. Building materials in the morning: Yesterday, steel companies offered stable prices, while traders tentatively reduced shipments by 10-20. However, the volume of transactions continued to shrink due to shrinking demand, and the short-term demand is expected to continue to decline. Today's market price may be weak and stable.

3. Hot rolling in the morning: Yesterday, the market for hot rolled coils became weaker and weaker, and the transaction situation was general. The short-term merchants' low price sales intention was not high, and the poor demand led to a slight downward shift in the coil price. The coil price may fluctuate this year.

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