Steel Morning Post(20221118)
Release time:2022-11-18 10:55
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Yesterday, the common billet was stable, Tangshan Qian'an Resources 3560, Qinhuangdao Lulong Resources 3560, and traders about 3630.

Late trading trend of futures snails 2301: The late trading trend of futures snails was narrow and volatile, closing at 3720, up 16/0.43%, with a 20 week moving average of 3768 above and a 5-day moving average of 3706 below. (Data source: Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE))

The focus of shaped tube with blank: Yesterday, black futures closed up in a volatile night. The direct delivery volume of billets is generally weak this morning. The small narrow band in Tang Dynasty operates steadily, and the profiles are mainly stable. Yesterday's spot market performance was average. It is expected that the steel market will operate stably in a narrow range within the day, paying attention to the market dynamics. (Unit: yuan/ton)

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