Steel Morning Post(20221116)
Release time:2022-11-16 10:32
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The price was adjusted this morning: the price of ordinary square billet in Lulong area, Qinhuangdao, rose by 20, and it was delivered with 3540 yuan including tax. Tangshan Qiananpu square billet resource price rose by 20, and now it is reported that 3540 square billet will leave the factory with tax included.

Late trading trend of futures snail 2301: The late trading trend of futures snail was strong and volatile, closing at 3722, up 56/1.53%. The 20 week moving average above was 3768, and the 5-day moving average below was 3647. (Data source: Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE))

The focus of the profiled tube strip blank: Yesterday, the black futures market ended up in shock. This morning, the steel billet ex factory rose by 20, and the direct delivery volume was fair. Tang Xiaodai rose by 20, and the profile rose steadily by 10 - 20. Yesterday afternoon, the market transaction improved, and it is expected that the operation will be stable and strong in the day. (Unit: yuan/ton)

石家庄市| 琼中| 杭州市| 昂仁县| 天气| 曲沃县| 鄂尔多斯市| 崇明县| 莆田市| 南澳县| 南岸区| 新龙县| 崇信县| 松阳县| 富源县| 丽水市| 克山县| 涿鹿县| 洪江市| 宾川县| 上杭县| 乐山市| 十堰市| 伊吾县| 鞍山市| 阿城市| 于田县| 怀仁县| 安顺市| 彰化市| 那坡县| 潮安县| 平阳县| 固安县| 那坡县| 合水县| 威信县| 乐亭县| 喀喇沁旗| 巢湖市| 英吉沙县|