Steel Morning Post(20221026)
Release time:2022-10-26 10:02
Reading volume:

Yesterday, the square billet was reduced by 50, Tangshan Qian'an Resources 3580, and Qinhuangdao Lulong Resources 3580. About 3660 traders.

Late trading trend of futures snail 2301: The late trading trend of futures snail was narrow and volatile, closing at 3586, up 3/0.08%, above the 5-day moving average of 3601, and below the previous low of 3516. (Data source: Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE))

The focus of the profiled pipe strip blank: Yesterday, the black futures market ended up in a volatile night. This morning, the direct delivery of steel billets was weak. The narrow strip of Tangxiao was stable, and the profile was reduced by 10-30. It is expected that the narrow range will be settled in a stable manner within the day, and the follow-up of the transaction will be followed up. (Unit: yuan/ton)

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