Steel Morning Post(20231201)
Release time:2023-12-01 11:39
Reading volume:

China Railway Production Rolling Hardening Specification
0.35-0.6mm * 1000-1250mm, today's reference for continuous rolling is 4273 yuan/ton, delivered to Boxing at a price.

Tangshan afternoon price forecast for steel billets
Today, the futures market fluctuated at a high level, and Tangshan steel market became stronger. The direct delivery of steel billets was average, and about 3710 stocks were stored. The downstream products were adjusted in a stable manner. It is expected that the billet price will be stable in the afternoon.

Colored coated steel plates from private steel mills in Tianjin and surrounding areas
Tianjin seamless color coated plate factory quotation,
The quotation for conventional colors such as 0.5 * 1000mm navy blue and white gray is 5500 yuan/ton.

Hot rolled Tangshan market
The hot rolling market in Tangshan rose by 10%, with reference to the 4.5-11.5 Anfengyan steel longitudinal and transverse opening of 3980, 2.75 plus 70, 3.0 plus 20, and low alloy adding 140-150.

Color coated board in Tianjin market
The quotation in the Tianjin color coating market has partially increased, with prices randomly referring to the vicinity of Jinghua 5350 and Xinyu 5350. Large seamless factory reference 0.5/5500, some prices are low

Hardening policies for various substrate factories
China Railway Production Rolling Hardening Specification
0.35-0.6mm * 1000-1250mm, today's reference for continuous rolling is 4273 yuan/ton, delivered to Boxing price.

Tangshan afternoon price forecast for steel billets
Today, the futures market fluctuated at a high level, and Tangshan steel market became stronger. The direct delivery of steel billets was about the same, with about 3710 warehouse spot goods. The downstream products were adjusted in a stable manner. It is expected that the billet price will be stable in the afternoon.

Colored coated steel plates from private steel mills in Tianjin and surrounding areas
Tianjin seamless color coated plate factory quotation,
The quotation for conventional colors such as 0.5 * 1000mm navy blue and white gray is 5500 yuan/ton.

乐昌市| 玉屏| 东乌珠穆沁旗| 广平县| 错那县| 图木舒克市| 上高县| 民丰县| 宿州市| 潼南县| 汶上县| 丰都县| 闸北区| 揭西县| 伊金霍洛旗| 来宾市| 雅江县| 宁化县| 丹江口市| 金门县| 北辰区| 宾阳县| 永善县| 临夏市| 巴东县| 华安县| 祥云县| 图木舒克市| 张家川| 万安县| 团风县| 郑州市| 都江堰市| 忻城县| 佛学| 甘德县| 阜平县| 和政县| 东丽区| 务川| 贞丰县|